Genre: Children's- Fantasy As shadowy dream-invading creatures unleash a new power, dragons appear over Santa Barbara but disappear from a mystical land. Fearful, The Thinker calls upon an unlikely trio of thirteen-year-olds to find out why. Soon, Alex, the brooding painter, Bartholomew, the home-schooled sculptor, and Gwen, the skater girl, enter his art-created world on a quest to return the elusive golden dragons to the sky. With battling dragons, murderous outlaws, and enchanted … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: The Kidnapped Smile by Laurie Woodward
FEATURED BOOK: The Six and the Crystals of Ialana by Katlynn Brooke
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult Fantasy, Middle-Grade Fantasy Six teens must uncover the secrets of their past while on the run from deadly predators and a reptilian king. At odds with each other, their goals uncertain, the Six set out on a life-altering quest across a harsh and unforgiving continent. Pursued by lethal foes, guided only by baffling and terrifying shared dreams, the Six must find and reclaim a powerful crystal lost 500 years in the past. What is their connection to this … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: The Six and the Crystals of Ialana by Katlynn Brooke
FEATURED BOOK: Skerry Island: The Prince and the Pirate Book One by Hoot N. Holler
Genre: Children's - Fantasy Will they find the treasure or be captured by pirates? When King Manuel of Oro announces his ten-year-old son's crowning ceremony, Leo’s world crumbles. He doesn’t want to be a stuffy old prince! He wants to be free to have adventures, roam the kingdom, and spar with the crew of the royal navy. Dreading the upcoming ceremony, Leo longs to have one final adventure before taking on his royal duties. His wish comes true when he accidentally stows away and the … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: Skerry Island: The Prince and the Pirate Book One by Hoot N. Holler
Free eBook: The Fortress by Faye Carlisle @FayeCarlisle1
About the Book: Nargassus is in trouble from the evil Sinisters. A prophecy says that a boy who is able to control the four elements of earth, fire, air and water will be able to restore peace to the land and defeat evil. Cameron has these extra-special abilities and is sent on a mission to find the Sinisters with his two friends Anna and Sam. Anna is able to see visions of the future, and Sam has navigating powers. The children’s search for the Sinisters leads them to a fortress where they … [Read more...] about Free eBook: The Fortress by Faye Carlisle @FayeCarlisle1
FEATURED BOOK: Things from Other Worlds by Anne E. Johnson
Genre: fantasy, science fiction, short stories "Enchanting!" -Ellie Ann, New York Times bestseller Many strange things wait inside these pages. There's a fuzzy ball of kindness, camped out on a grumpy man's porch. A chewed piece of gum with a mind of its own. A smart Alec who actually stands in line twice when they're handing out brains. A girl who isn't afraid when all the plants in her neighborhood come to life. This collection of 15 science fiction and fantasy stories for kids by … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: Things from Other Worlds by Anne E. Johnson
FEATURED BOOK: The Tindou Tablet by P.R. Newton
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy The first double digit birthday is an exciting milestone. For Oliver, his tenth birthday is the start of a great adventure as he travels the universe and learns about his special place as Keeper of the Tindou Tablet and protector of the dinosaurs. But through all the adventures, the one thing he needs to protect the most, is the one who has always protected him, his Papa Eddie and fellow Keeper of the Tindou Tablet. Link to buy book Suppliers provide … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: The Tindou Tablet by P.R. Newton
Free eBook: The Amazing Adventures of Toby the Trilby by Angela Castillo @fairygirlcards
About the Book: He was born underground, at the edge of the world’s destruction. Twelve years old, Toby has never seen the sun. Created by six scientists who accidentally gave him cat ears (and a tail), Toby decides to leave the safety of his cavern world to seek answers. Did anyone survive the Great Destruction? Why has he been hearing a mysterious Voice? And, most important of all, does he have a soul? Targeted Age Group: 9 and up [button … [Read more...] about Free eBook: The Amazing Adventures of Toby the Trilby by Angela Castillo @fairygirlcards
Free eBook 11/27/2015: Max and the Gatekeeper by James Cochrane @jtcochrane
This book is free on these days only - 11/27/2015 at midnight PST until 11:59 pm on 12/31/2015. If the dates are the same that means the book is free one day only. About the Book: A war has been waging for centuries; a magical and technological battle between good and evil. This conflict will affect life everywhere, but not everyone is aware it exists. When twelve-year old Max Rigdon is sent to stay with his grandfather for the summer, he unwillingly enters the fight. The day Max steps … [Read more...] about Free eBook 11/27/2015: Max and the Gatekeeper by James Cochrane @jtcochrane
The Incredible Time Travelling Marble Contraption by Fiona Mackinnon
Targeted Age Group:: 8-13 Have you ever dreamt of travelling through time? Andy and Hayden Abercrombie hadn't, but it happened to them anyway. From racing in a chariot to being chased by a T-Rex, from singing with mediaeval knights to fighting hungry snake dragons, the brothers squabble their way through one extraordinary adventure after another. If the brothers can stop fighting each other they may be able to find, damsel in distress, Blythe Fairweather’s missing brother and work out a way … [Read more...] about The Incredible Time Travelling Marble Contraption by Fiona Mackinnon
The Utterly Amazing Brain Of Ignatius Cramp by Fiona Mackinnon
Targeted Age Group:: 8-13 Have you ever heard voices in your head? Not pretend voices you make up yourself, that have foreign accents you can’t really do properly, but very real, very clear, very weird, very annoying voices. What if they’re coming from a tiny alien spaceship? Bet that’s never happened to you. But it happened to 13 year old Ignatius Cramp. Getting a family of four galaxy-hopping tourists (and their pet sabre-tooth tiger) that have crash-landed in your brain back to their home … [Read more...] about The Utterly Amazing Brain Of Ignatius Cramp by Fiona Mackinnon