Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Jimmy Crikey is the alien orphan who made his home on Earth, and Jimmy grows into an amazing young man. His close friend Jade approaches the end of her apprenticeship with Matilda as a witch. There are a few tests to complete before she can become a fully qualified member of the sister’s Coven. Matilda is head of the four guardian witches of Earth’s realms. But she has been called to move to a higher level. Who will be appointed as her successor? Jimmy is told … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: the Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: Jade, the Youngest Witch Ever by Wallace Briggs
The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs
The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs This is a stand-alone, fourth in series, The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey, the alien orphan who, despite cruel bullying, decided to make his home on Earth. He numbers among his friends the four witch guardians of Earth’s realms and the ancient Lord Oron, aka The Weatherman. The underground Emerald Lake, the home of the Aquamites, is invaded by a flesh-eating, fire-breathing serpent, which is impervious to the magic of the four … [Read more...] about The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs
Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in Parallel Worlds by Wallace E Briggs
Third in the series of Jimmy Crikey's adventures this is a stand alone adventure among the stars. Earth is invaded by an alien species of omnivorous worm, the like of which no one has encountered before. The four guardian witches of Earth are powerless against the alien organism. It falls to Jimmy to seek the help of his technologically advanced friends on Attalia, his home planet in a different dimension. Jimmy may be an orphan, but he has friends on both sides of the universe. Jade, the … [Read more...] about Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in Parallel Worlds by Wallace E Briggs
The Chronicle Gate Vol. 1: Ethereal by N. Lang
What if you ended up on a planet and had no idea how you got there? On a planet called Ethereal live creatures known as the Elouse. A couple of kids discover a human child and take him in. While their dad, Jasper, tries to find the planet “Earth” (which doesn’t exist in their galaxy) their mom, Ellen, and her girls, Taylinn, and Avigale are left to welcome and care for, Sinya, who has no recollection how he got there in the first place. Sinya tries to fit in his surroundings and make friends but … [Read more...] about The Chronicle Gate Vol. 1: Ethereal by N. Lang
Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
Jimmy Crikey's Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs Jimmy Crikey's Adventures in the Sky Islands This stand-alone story is the second in the series of Jimmy Crikey's adventures. Jimmy Crikey is the orphan alien brought up by a loving lady who lived on the edge of the forest close to Esh Village. Once bullied beyond endurance because of his strange appearance, Jimmy ran away, searching for a place where he could fit in. He found himself in the town of Roombelow, where Jimmy … [Read more...] about Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
Second in series: Jimmy Crikey is the orphan alien who chose to live on Earth. Once bullied beyond endurance Jimmy developed his abilities to protect his new Roombelow home from the dangers that threatened. Far above Earth, the Sky Islands are invaded by the galactic race of Zyrons. It needs Earth’s four witches, Lord Oron the ancient Weatherman and the developing magic of the tiny apprentice witch, Jade, to overcome the invaders, with a little help from Jimmy Crikey and XRU. The Zyrons are … [Read more...] about Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
Alfie Slider vs the Shape Shifter by Sarah Dixon
Some people say that Alfie Slider is a bit weird, but he thinks that weird just means different. Weird is good! Living with his 'different' family is never predictable for Alfie, but nothing could prepare him for what happens when he finds a strange key on his way home from school. This is no ordinary key – it seems to break the laws of physics! Once he's figured out how to use it, Alfie is caught up in adventures that are literally out of this world. This story has evil grannies, flame-throwing … [Read more...] about Alfie Slider vs the Shape Shifter by Sarah Dixon
War and Money, Book 1 by Sofia Diana Gabel
War and Money, Book 1 by Sofia Diana Gabel The alien wars are unending. In 2187, Earth has the Katarga trapped on the moon, refusing to allow them to escape. The Piltrak and Jurale are pending threats, which forces Global Command to recruit 15-year-olds as soldiers. Dax, low-status and a non-conformist, never imagined she’d be a soldier, yet she was hand-picked by gruff Commander Viteri, taken from her parents, never to see them again. She doesn’t want to kill aliens, and suspects there’s … [Read more...] about War and Money, Book 1 by Sofia Diana Gabel
Amelia, the Moochins and the Sapphire Palace by Evonne Blanchard
Amelia opens a very strange present, that turns out not to be a present. No, it’s a funny alien from Pluto, called Uglesnoo. His sister is very ill and he desperately needs help. Should Amelia go with him into outer space? A rollercoaster of an adventure follows, filled with aliens, space travel, and the unraveling of the mystery of the Sapphire Palace! Targeted Age Group:: 5-10 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? One chilly winter's day I showed my daughter a map of the solar … [Read more...] about Amelia, the Moochins and the Sapphire Palace by Evonne Blanchard
Visitors by WJ Scott
Twelve-year-old Brody, and his kid brother, are sent to stay with their reclusive Aunt Sally, when their mom falls seriously ill. But, they soon discover things are not as they appear, and a strange phenomenon is happening in the small retro town. What mystery is Tucker’s Mountain hiding? Unsure of who or what they can trust, the boys embark on a hunt for answers that reveals more than they bargained for. Targeted Age Group:: 9-12 What Inspired You to Write Your Book? Years ago, … [Read more...] about Visitors by WJ Scott