Authors, use this form to submit a synopsis of your book and an introduction to yourself as an author. Be descriptive and don't worry about it being too long. The longer the description the better. Please only hit the submit button once.
Our service starts at $25 and places your book on our homepage for 7 days. Your book will also go out in our newsletter and spread in our social media channels. A reminder that there are absolutely no refunds given for any reason.
Check your submission
Please check your submission for accuracy before you hit the submit button. Check your links, check your book cover. What you submit is what will be published. Beware that if you cut and paste from Word or Amazon description your post may contain extra lines or not look like you intend it to. The best thing to do is copy and paste to a plain text document (like Notepad) before you copy to our form. Only include links in the spaces indicated, not in your book synopsis. We also do not allow html.
Inappropriate books will be rejected
This site is for books for kids - hence the name 🙂 If your book is not for kids under 12 years old, please don't submit it. All posts are subject to approval, inappropriate books will be deleted.
We use affiliate links on this website, which means that when you click a link, we may earn a commission if you place an order, at no additional cost to you.