Genre: Children's picture book The Tale of Was and Das tells the hilariously funny story of two friends: an orphan gypsy boy, Was, and his German shepherd, Das. The boy and the dog live at the dumpster halfway between Fartsville and Burptown — an area where, ironically, the people come for fresh air. The dumpster provides the boy and the dog with shelter, toys, and books. The pair fell in love with children’s books, especially picture books about dinosaurs. They decide to use materials … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: The Tale of Was and Das by Marin Darmonkow
FEATURED BOOK: The Tindou Tablet by P.R. Newton
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy The first double digit birthday is an exciting milestone. For Oliver, his tenth birthday is the start of a great adventure as he travels the universe and learns about his special place as Keeper of the Tindou Tablet and protector of the dinosaurs. But through all the adventures, the one thing he needs to protect the most, is the one who has always protected him, his Papa Eddie and fellow Keeper of the Tindou Tablet. Link to buy book Suppliers provide … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: The Tindou Tablet by P.R. Newton
The Incredible Time Travelling Marble Contraption by Fiona Mackinnon
Targeted Age Group:: 8-13 Have you ever dreamt of travelling through time? Andy and Hayden Abercrombie hadn't, but it happened to them anyway. From racing in a chariot to being chased by a T-Rex, from singing with mediaeval knights to fighting hungry snake dragons, the brothers squabble their way through one extraordinary adventure after another. If the brothers can stop fighting each other they may be able to find, damsel in distress, Blythe Fairweather’s missing brother and work out a way … [Read more...] about The Incredible Time Travelling Marble Contraption by Fiona Mackinnon