Genre: children humor Julian is a happy farting gnome. However, his fellow gnome friends do not find his farts amusing, and decide to shoo him away from all Easter activities. Join Julian as he bumps into the Easter Bunny who teaches him to embrace himself for who he is. The Farting Easter Gnome is a humorous and heartwarming tale of how farts can be a blessing in disguise. Link to buy book … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: The Farting Easter Gnome by Grampy Greg
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Jenny’s Nighttime Dance by Leo Children’s books
With beautiful illustrations and a cute story, Jenny's Nighttime Dance is an excellent bedtime picture book for young readers to understand the importance of sleeping early. Join Jenny on her exciting adventure at nighttime! This beautifully illustrated book is perfect for young readers. Fun and engaging to read, this book is a great tool for parents to encourage a child to sleep early and how beneficial it is. This colorful and easy-to-follow storybook is an ideal addition to any child's book … [Read more...] about Jenny’s Nighttime Dance by Leo Children’s books
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Bagheera Bach by John Mothershead
Bagheera Bach by John Mothershead Inspired by one spunky little house cat and supported with a foundation of educational tools, ideal for parents and educators of children ages 3 to 8, Bagheera Bach combines the suspenseful story of a house cat desperately trying to escape the confines of his luxurious home, with the beautiful watercolors of the brilliantly talented Sonrisa Smiley. … [Read more...] about Bagheera Bach by John Mothershead