Third in the series of Jimmy Crikey's adventures this is a stand alone adventure among the stars. Earth is invaded by an alien species of omnivorous worm, the like of which no one has encountered before. The four guardian witches of Earth are powerless against the alien organism. It falls to Jimmy to seek the help of his technologically advanced friends on Attalia, his home planet in a different dimension. Jimmy may be an orphan, but he has friends on both sides of the universe. Jade, the … [Read more...] about Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in Parallel Worlds by Wallace E Briggs
Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
Second in series: Jimmy Crikey is the orphan alien who chose to live on Earth. Once bullied beyond endurance Jimmy developed his abilities to protect his new Roombelow home from the dangers that threatened. Far above Earth, the Sky Islands are invaded by the galactic race of Zyrons. It needs Earth’s four witches, Lord Oron the ancient Weatherman and the developing magic of the tiny apprentice witch, Jade, to overcome the invaders, with a little help from Jimmy Crikey and XRU. The Zyrons are … [Read more...] about Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
The Magical Adventures of Jimmy Crikey by Wallace Briggs
Targeted Age Group:: 7 to 11 Do you want to know a secret? Underneath the very ground on which you walk, there more things than you have dreamed of. There are monsters, of which to be afraid. There are magical powers wielded by witches and sorcerers, many good but some evil. There is beauty and there is also danger. One soul above all others has the courage to tackle the challenges and challengers. Mysteries are solved and mayhem is averted by the courage of one boy. Jimmy ran away to … [Read more...] about The Magical Adventures of Jimmy Crikey by Wallace Briggs