Genre: Children's books (coloring) Introduce your child to the wonderful, beautiful, and magical world of angels. It’s a great way to nurture your child’s spirituality by making it fun! This coloring book contains a collection of 60 drawing pages of various angel images which will keep your child entertained and engaged for hours. It will allow them to stimulate their creativity and imagination while improving and developing their motor and visual perceptual skills. In addition to … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: Heaven’s Beautiful Angels Coloring Book for Kids by Dennis Macy
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We use affiliate links on this website, which means that when you click a link, we may earn a commission if you place an order, at no additional cost to you.
FEATURED BOOK: Enchanted Magical Kingdom Coloring Book by Dennis Macy
Genre: Children's books Welcome to the Enchanted Magical Kingdom! Introduce your child to the enchanting and magical kingdom of mystical creatures. It’s a wonderful way to nurture your child’s creativity and imagination by allowing them to explore their inner artistic abilities. This coloring book contains a collection of 40 unique images which have been crafted to inspire and delight your child. Your child will discover a variety of magical and mystical creatures and scene images … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: Enchanted Magical Kingdom Coloring Book by Dennis Macy
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Curly Crow Goes to the Beach by Nicholas Aragon
Join Curly Crow, the beach-bound bird with a flair for feathers, in this hilarious adventure that's all about fluffing up your confidence in the face of feathery foes! When Curly excitedly heads to the beach, ready to make a splash and maybe build a sandcastle or two, she quickly discovers that not every bird on the shore is a tweetheart. As Curly spreads her wings and tries to join in the fun, she encounters some beach bullies who seem more interested in squawking than soaring. From seagull … [Read more...] about Curly Crow Goes to the Beach by Nicholas Aragon