Genre: Children's - Humor Papa’s promotion propels the Pudgys into perilous, pulse-pounding predicaments in paradise. This merry, alliterative adventure takes the Pudgy family from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Pogo Pogo in the South Pacific. Penned by the screenwriter whose film credits include “Jumanji” and “Summer of the Monkeys,” it’s packed with whimsical illustrations and portly protagonists. Link to buy book … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: The Pudgys in Paradise by Jim Strain
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Adventures With Andy & Susie – A Stormy Weekend by Donna Hall
Targeted Age Group:: K through Grade 4 Put on your goggles and grab the flashlight - get ready to take a sailbus flight ! Join Andy in this Victorian Sci-Fi inspired tale, set in the far away hills of a family orchard. Armed with his flashlight, goggles and field clothes, a young explorer sets off for adventure. His curiosity is kindled by hydro-turbines, a steam-driven wheelchair, and a tidal-powered city where he attends school. Earth's endless clean power drives his intellect as the … [Read more...] about Adventures With Andy & Susie – A Stormy Weekend by Donna Hall
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FEATURED BOOK: Ray: The Sewer Adventure by Davis Flecha
Genre: children's- adventure Ray and his friends decide to go to town for some sweets. Along the way, they are faced with obstacles, and must decide whether or not to sacrifice their own wants for others needs. Link to buy book Online suppliers provide health supplies from trusted manufacturers and discount prices on trusted goods. … [Read more...] about FEATURED BOOK: Ray: The Sewer Adventure by Davis Flecha
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Willakaville: Amazing Adventures of Astronomical Awesomeness by Mathew Heinecke
Targeted Age Group:: 7-13 Why is all the toilet paper disappearing? Will Kyle escape the banana warriors? Can Marty save everyone from the mushroom zombies? Find the answers inside Willakaville: Amazing Adventures of Astronomical Awesomeness. Follow intelligent children as they solve supernatural issues and find out about themselves along the way. The book is full to the brim with time machines, magic, mayhem, aliens, cats, mystery, secrets, strange lands, rockets, evil villains, … [Read more...] about Willakaville: Amazing Adventures of Astronomical Awesomeness by Mathew Heinecke