A hilarious adventure tale about one boy’s determination to conquer the biggest computer game contest at school, and the disasters and catastrophes he encounters, whilst learning a few important life lessons along the way. It follows the adventures of 10 year old cool gamer Ryan and his cool school, cool teacher and very uncool sister ‘Loom Band Lisa’ who does everything in her pink power to ruin his fun.
When the teacher with the unfortunate name (Mr Higginbottom) introduces a Play Station competition at school, everyone goes into a crazy frenzy as they battle their way to win the prize. With Ryan’s cool gaming record he’s a sure fire thing to win, until something disastrously ugly happens to cause his plans of victory to come tumbling to the ground faster than super sonic radar doing a bungee jump with a triple somersault back flip on the way. SPLAT!
Targeted Age Group: 7-13
Book Excerpt
My name is Ryan, and I go to the greatest school in the whole world and I have the best teacher in the whole school. Mr Higginbottom is his name. That’s right Higgin BOTTOM. Can you believe it? When he walked into the classroom on the first day of term, he wrote it on the blackboard and said,
“Ok everyone, that’s right, my name is Bottom, Higginbottom to be precise. Let’s all get it over with, say it out loud and then we can have a big laugh. BOTTOM, BOTTOM, BOTTOM. Come on everybody lets shout it out.”
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