Little Ahmed lives in a world of silence, unaware that the world around him can be experienced in a whole other way. A heartwarming story of discovery and the need for early diagnosis of a common childhood sensory impairment.
Targeted Age Group:: 3 to 8 years (but all ages will enjoy it!)
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
In my career as an audiologist, it was always an amazing experience to watch children discover sound for the first time or to help an adult reconnect with the world around them. 'And So, Ahmed Hears' was inspired by the many special children I had the opportunity to work with as an audiologist in different parts of the world. It was written to increase public awareness about childhood hearing loss.
Book Sample
Mama puts her fingers to her lips then hugs him to her chest.
The silent gestures are what Ahmed seems to understand the best.
She takes him then by the hand and willingly he walks.
Although he seems to understand, Ahmed never talks.
Finally a beep that’s loud and Ahmed turns his head.
Mama hears once again the words the doctor said….
“A hearing loss could be the reason Ahmed doesn’t sing;
The reason he didn’t hear you call and got injured by the swing.”
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Author Bio:
Author Dawn Doig, M.Sc., M.Ed, is the author of several children’s picture books on a variety of topics including childhood hearing loss, bullying and forgiveness, dysgraphia, and learning English as an additional language. She has been blessed with two extremely rewarding careers working with children as an audiologist and as an English as an additional language teacher. Dawn has two grown children who live in Canada. She currently resides in Cameroon with her hubby Bruce and two very rambunctious but adorable female kitties. She gets her inspiration for her children’s books from her family, the children she has the pleasure of working with, general life experiences, and her feline friends. Dawn is a passionate baker who loves to share her homemade goodies with others. She is always ready to head out on the next thrilling adventure with Bruce and they never know where the wind will blow them to next.